Monday, July 19, 2010

Real Talk- Time to get back in shape

You are all I need when I'm surrounded
You are all I need if I'm by myself
You fill me when I'm empty
There is nothing else
You're all I need
Well, after being up until 4 in the morning preparing for my test and waking up at 7 to finish studying, I was greeted with a very excited teacher and fairly easy test. After we took our test we finished the day with about 7 hours of Chinese and practice. As you might imagine, we were all completely wiped from studying the night before and extremely uninterested in practicing so much Chinese; however, as a nice little surprise, our teachers ordered Pizza Hut! Now, one would think that they have the standard pizzas that we have; meat lovers, supreme, those kinds of pizzas. The pizza here has octopus on it. SICK, right? And on some pizza they put cabbage, shrimp, corn, chicken, pork, and a lot of random things. Some of you might think that this sounds delish. But seeing as how I do not like seafood, I stuck with the more traditional pineapple and ham pizza and Philly cheesesteak pizza which were equally delish.

Later on, Tiffany and I spent some time with Tina, a girl who is attending MSU in the fall. Then Tiffany and I decided to go to Shida Night Market which was about an hour away on the MRT. It was a lot smaller than Shihlin Night Market and WAY less crowded which was a nice little change.

Later on, Daniel Spencer came in my room and asked if I wanted to go run. We jogged down one of the newer parts of town. The weather was so nice tonight! I think that is going to start becoming a regular nightly activity. I have got to find some way to balance out all of this eating we are doing!

I think that we are all starting to get to that "I just need you to get away from me" stage in the trip. We have been with each other for about 2 weeks. Now we are all starting to do things on our own, without the whole group tagging along. It is nice to have a little more freedom to do what we want. I think that's also a sign that we are comfortable going out of campus without getting lost. Anyways, tomorrow we are going to Danshui- the beach! We are all excited!

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