Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tickets Booked.

I'm officially going to China.  I have fought hard for the opportunity go abroad again and I am finally going.  I booked my plane tickets today. I will be in Beijing from December 10 until January 7! Through the host program, Education First, I am going to be staying with a host family and sharing a room with another girl in the program hopefully around my same age from somewhere around the world. I am thankful that I will know some girls who live in Beijing who had come to Mississippi State. I could not be more excited about this opportunity and am thrilled to be able to go out and see new things!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's Official.

I will officially be spending Christmas in China.  I will be living in Beijing, China for 4 weeks while I take classes and travel around.  I can't believe that after all this time and all of my attempts to travel abroad again I am finally getting to go and it is all working out. Hopefully I will book my plane ticket this weekend and start applying for my Chinese visa sometime next week!  Prayers that I will find friends and have a nice host family would be appreciated!!  I will be traveling alone and living in a place where I know no one.  I am going through this program called Education First, EF, so hopefully everything will work out!!