My luggage was only 40 pounds, THANK GOODNESS; however, that means that I could have brought 10 more pounds of stuff. But thats ok. The flights over were uneventful, it was easy to get from one gate to the next, and everyone ended up in the same place in the end. Tiffany, Lily, Daniel Spencer, and Rob and I flew out of Detroit. The 12 and a half hour flight was less than exciting. I sat about 6 seats over from Rob who was the closest person I knew. The guy sitting next to me did not speak to me one time for 12 1/2 hours. He slept for the majority of the flight. I don't know if you all know this about me but I can't not talk for 12 hours. So I made my way over to Rob and stood in the aisle for about 30 minutes. Needless to say, that flight was insanely boring and I am not looking forward to flying that again in 6 weeks.
Anyways, last night was crazy. As soon as we got through customs, we exchanged American money for Taiwanese money. 1 USD = 32 NTD which basically means that everything here looks way more expensive than in America because they only use 100 and 1000 bills instead of just 1, 5, 10 dollar bills but they use 1, 5, 10 dollar coins. 1000 NTD looks like a lot of money but in reality its only about $20 USD. There is also no tax here. Then we met up with Jeremy and Daniel Cook. A girl named Lydia and another girl named Queenie came to pick us up. Lydia is about 24 and works for NTPU and Queenie is 21 and is a student here. They took us to the 7/11 store here so that we could get a mattress pad for our beds and some toilet paper and things like that. Then we went to our dorms.
The 3 girls share a room with 4 bunkbeds and the guys are right next door with the same room. The view from our balcony is amazing.
It looks off on to NTPU's campus. After a quick run down of things here and a trip to get some late night snacks, I fell asleep around 1am.
This morning I woke up around 7:30 am. The guys were up by 5am and had already walked through the campus and the streets before the girls were even awake. We got ready for the day and headed over to the Administration building that we had no idea where to find. Lucky for us, we look like complete aliens here so we stood out when we were wandering around looking like lost puppies. Conveneintly, the lady who is in charge of us walked right by and took us to the cafeteria where we ate an... interesting breakfast.
Later in the morning Queenie took us to buy cell phones and we walked around one of the streets with tons of small shops. We saw lots of temples and food vendors and clothing stores. Everything smells wierd here and the food is very different. After a few hours of walking around we were all ready to come back to the dorm with airconditioning. So happy to have AC. It feels like its about 140 degrees here. It is now 4:35pm here and 3:35am back in Huntsville. For the rest of the afternoon we are planning on being lazy and taking naps. We all are going to study our Chinese for the placement test that we have tomorrow. I'm planning on taking a nap, watching The Bachelorette, and studying for the remainder of the afternoon.
Right now im laying in my bunk and I just want everyone to see the view from where I am.
Well, thats all for now. Pray that I can adjust to new smells, new and odd food and drinks, and to the ridiculously hot weather. Tomorrow we are going to Taipei City... more to come in a few days!
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