... could be the most perfect title for the adventure in which I am about to embark upon.
Last night I was up very late frantically packing and making lists of everything I needed to get done before my parents came to Starkville today to pick me up. I had forgotten about a few last minute things such as bed sheets for my dorm in Taiwan and pillow cases and stuff.
NOTE TO SELF: Do not wait until the day before you leave town to make sure that your suitcase fits the size requirements of the airline or else you will have a very unhappy momma running all over town looking for another one for you...
But now I am in Birmingham in our hotel waiting for Rob to get in town so Daniel and all our parents can have our last meal in America. So dramatic. I know. Now I am just going to cross my fingers and pray that everything is under the weight limits of the airlines.
In a few short hours I will be on the plane to Detriot then to Taiwan!!
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