Many of you probably don't know that I have decided to do ROTC at
Mississippi State next year. Well, I am now (finally) officially contracted by the
United States Army thanks to my lucky shirt, my parents physically making me run every day, and most importantly my friend Eric who ran with me the whole way, pushing me to the finish. I have been up since 4 am. The weather in Starkville was better than I could have asked for.
Philippians 4:13- I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
SIDE NOTE: When carbo loading before an event and too late at night, too much carbs is probably worse than none at all... Just take my word for it.
Now that my PT Test is out of the way, I can focus on my trip. Slowly but surely I am getting everything ready. My TO DO List is a mile long and seems to grow every day. I have moved back to Starkville for a few days before I head to Birmingham so that I can leave everything for the fall so that it is all ready for me to move in.
So, who knew that you have to pick your seats for flights before you go? Uhhh, not me. If you are traveling with someone by airplane, here is a
NOTE TO SELF: Make sure your travel buddy tells you where they are sitting so you don't blindly pick a seat and have to sit by a stranger for 18 hours.

Anyways, today I have to pack. This is probably the least fun thing I have yet to do. With my unnecessarily excessive amount of clothes, I have no idea how to decide what to bring. Other than that, the last thing I have to do is get my brain in order. I need to get my paperwork together and ready to go. But thats about it! I bought my
Chinese Survival Book with phrases like "Where is the bathroom?" and "How do I get to...?" in Chinese. But my friend Daniel, who is also going with me to Taiwan, realized that although we may be able to speak by reading the li
ttle book, how will we be able to understand them? I guess we will cross that path when it comes... Hey, I did say it was going to be an adventure, right?
Tonight I will see
Eclipse, the 3rd movie in the Twilight series. Although I read and disliked all of the books, I still must see the movies, even though they are terrible. But I'm totally
Team Jacob.
so I heard at church on Sunday, from who I can't remember go figure, that you were leaving the country but it didn't really occur to me until I came across your blog. that's so cool!! anyways, when we went to Japan, mom tried to ask a little old Japanese lady 'how much for the blue pot?' but ended up asking 'how much for the naked chicken?'.... it's an adventure right? have an amazing time!!