Today, I attended the Mississippi State Womans football clinic with amazing and beautiful Mrs. Rhonda and a new, sweet friend Sherry. It was the most fun I have had in a very long time. Let me first start by saying that my love for Mississippi State University has only grown stronger since the first time I set foot on campus and. I can't imagine being any place else for the next 4 years (I am in a 5 year major). What is the saying, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder"? If its not, we are just going to pretend like it is. This is the place that I have come to love and call my home after only one year of living here. I have been away from my new home for about 4 weeks. SIDE NOTE- Leaving college for the summer for the first time was a very hard thing to do. I had to leave my new favorite place in the world and I had to leave all of my new friends and come back to real life where there are small, annoying children, yard work to be done, and an excessive amount of "Yes, I go to Mississippi State and I am majoring in International Business and Chinese" must be said. So these have not only been a long four weeks, but an exceptionally long four weeks full of reality checks so that I might return to the real world at some point and become useful instead of my lackadaisical self. And lackadaisical is a word just for the record, meaning "1) without interest, vigor, or determination; lethargic; 2)lazy" which would describe my behavior thus far. Oh, and it is "Absense makes the heart grow fonder." This statement is true. I absolutely could not be more proud to be a Bulldog.
Well, anyways, this camp was full of women alum, both young and old, that was led by
Head Coach Dan Mullen (that I added a picture of with the very attractive Tim Tebow after he won his Heisman just for kicks) and the rest of his coaching staff who are so full of energy , a love for the game and the school, and drive to win. We listened to the Defensive Coach and the Offensive Coach who demonstrated what the players on the field do and how they get all the players to know their plays since they are a No Huddle Offense. We learned how to properly throw and catch the ball, tackle, sack a quarterback (and I have grass burns to prove it!), dive into the end zone with the winning touchdown, and we participated in drills that the MSU football players have to execute every day. We listened to the coaches wives speak about their lives and about how they take care of the football players celebrate birthdays with them and become their second mommas while they are away from home. In addition to getting the inside scoop on plays and practice drills, we got to see the locker rooms, study rooms, weight rooms, and Game Day Locker Room. Not only did we get to do all that, we got to run onto the field through the smoke with Dan Mullen while the big jumbo-tron was on and they were playing loud music just as the players do before each game!! What an exciting day! I am already looking forward to next year's camp! And now I'm looking forward to the next football season so much that I can't even stand it!!

On a different note, I possibly have strep. Isn't that lovely. On an even better note, I'm going to the Zac Brown Concert on Friday with my good friend Erin, though, which makes for a very wonderful weekend, plus I am going to get to see my bff Cameron who is having a birthday on Monday and I won't be able to be there. I am just going to have to make it up to her!
I will leave you all with this verse- Psalm 46:5 "God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day."
Also, one last thought. Still missing the besties who are working at Wendy's and Wal-Mart in good 'ole Myrtle Beach, South Carolina working for the Lord. You go Suz and Laura! Love
y'all!!! :) Laura, I hope you're working with some sweet old man who needs a sweet granddaughter figure in his life for the next few months because you are one of the most compassionate people I know (which is hard for others to believe considering your mad face that we see ever too often haha).

And Suz, can you say, "Is this for here or to go"? All I'm gonna say is.... "On da mic is a queen so listen to me sing she wanna three supa size onion rangss..." haha

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