Thursday, June 24, 2010
I would also like for everyone to checkout my dear friend Cary's blog. He is also in South Carolina with Suzanne and Laura learning to love and serve God better. I have been keeping up with his experiences, and reading about them is very inspiring.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
T minus 11 days AND counting...
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
So I have 1 week until I leave for Starkville and then another 4 days until my flight takes off for Taiwan!! Until then, I am spending my days shopping, babysitting, lounging at the pool, and oh and did I mention shopping? I am also currently addicted to The Bachelorette and a new murder mystery show called Pretty Little Liars that I will have to find a way to watch while I am away!
Now that I am in my last week of being home until sometime in the fall semester, I am freaking out about getting everything ready. I feel like I have SO much to do and so little time. Not only do I have to get everything ready for my study abroad, I also have to have everything prepared for move in the day I return to the States since classes start August 18 and my flight returns on August 15! Before I go, I need new tires on my car and the brakes and oil checked. I need to buy plates, silverware, glasses, shower curtains, storage containers, floor mats, toothbrush holders, and everything that I will need to go into my apartment! It will be a crazy few days with getting settled into my apartment while dealing with jet lag. Oh and lets not forget about packing. What clothes am I supposed to bring to Taiwan? It will be hot and humid the whole time over there and it will rain a lot. BUT the people in Taiwan wear long sleeve shirts and pants during the summer so their skin won't get darker. My suitcase? Yeah, its big. And I have no doubts that it will be packed to capacity or my 50 pound weight limit which unfortunately I think will come first. I guess I will pack a few things (or way to many things in this case) and hope for the best.
A few things to pray for me this week are for my mom so that she can get enough information that she wants so that she feels more comfortable with me going, and for me that I can get everything together so that this last week and a half are not stressful. Also, I have to take a PT test for ROTC next Thursday morning in Starkville. This is a very important PT test that I NEED to do very well on and this is really my last chance to take it. Pray that I would be able to run with the ease and swiftness of a marathon runner. Lord knows I need it!
One last thing, I talked to my best friend Suzanne today for the first time in about a month. I haven't seen Suz since the end of May and I miss her dearly. She is the one trying to hit me in the picture above. Suzanne's got some sass that will knock your socks off. We have a very "special" and unique relationship, and without her, I would have a very large hole in my heart. Pray for Suz; she's working now at Wal-Mart instead of Wendy's in Myrtle Beach with Campus Outreach.
Last but not least is my other BFF Laura. One of the most genuine people that I know. She always looks for the good in people and is one of the best listeners that I know. This is the Laura face that Suz and I both know and love and have seen more than most. You may not be able to tell by this picture but she loves us back haha Pray for Laura too. She is also working at Wal-Mart, learning about how its all about serving.
Psalm 46:5
Saturday, June 5, 2010
ready.... set... HIKEEEEEE