Saturday, October 27, 2012
#WeBelieve 8-0
On a completely unrelated note, my visa papers are sent off, I now have a host family, and I just found out that there will be 10 people starting Chinese class the same time that I do. I have been so busy that I haven't been able to get excited about my trip through the tests, papers, and work. But as the days pass by, I am realizing how quickly that this month will pass by. This has been the fastest semester that I have ever had. Graduation is becoming very real and very scary because I don't know what will be next but I am trusting that God's perfect plans for my life will fall into place. As this football season ends, I am saddened by the thought that this is my last football season as a student and spending my Saturday nights standing in the student section and being showered with whiskey drinks when we score (ok, I won't miss that part). I look back on my time at State and know that I have had the best times of my life. My love for Mississippi State seems to increase everytime I walk onto that campus. God help me, I love this school. But my time here is not over yet. I still have one semester left. It will be filled with spending time with my roommates and best friends, runs through campus, and the best spring break ever (a cruise to the Carribean!!!). More on that later. Sorry for the sappy post.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Tickets Booked.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
It's Official.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Christmas in China...??!!!
For some reason I just can't shake the itch to get to China. SO I'm going. The tentative dates are mid December until the beginning of January. Daniel and I will be going to take classes that would let us finish our Chinese language degree and to travel!
In other news, I LOVE my internship. In the month that I've been at Travelers, I have learned more than I ever thought that I would learn. I am finding out that the insurance business isn't as boring as I thought. It is actually quite interesting and I am learning lots of information that will be very valuable for my future!
Since my trip to China will allow me to graduate in May, I have started thinking about where I want to be in the future. Graduation is less than a year a way and I have already started to look for jobs in the Marketing and International Business fields and anything else that sounds interesting. But more to come on this later!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Firm Believer in Spanking
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
It's Official.
Well it is that time of the year again where I begin to question why I am in college, when all I want to do is lay by the pool but all I need to do is study for finals. Hopefully next semester will go a little better for me..... three exams stand in my way of summer and one year stands in my way of the real world. I have decided that if I do not graduate college with a job (and my mom just informed me that 1 out of every 2 college grads cannot find jobs- so encouraging) then I will get my pilot's license the summer after I graduate. I can think of no better time than that to get my license. Also on my list of things to do: skydiving. Hopefully I will survive the rest of this miserable exam week so I can once again live a happy life.
Friday, April 6, 2012
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." -- Helen Keller
On another note, this is Easter weekend and I surprised my parents and came home for the holiday. I left all my school books and homework in Starkville because it will still be there when I go back.
Anyways, this trip to Russia will be coming fast and soon. We're talking like 5 weeks. So things will be moving pretty quickly for that. ALSO on more important news, 13 days and 10 minutes from right this very moment I will be turing 21 years old. That's less than 2 weeks.......... updates to come later!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Internship Offers!!!
We decided that the best date to leave for China would be between May 12 and May 15th. That way we have plenty of time to travel to Beijing and Hong Kong (hopefully!!) before the internships start. As the months are quickly going by (I ALREADY have a midterm next week!!) my excitement is growing with each passing day and as the internship offers have arrived, it is all finally starting to seem real that I will be spending almost 3 months in China. After returning from Taiwan and being in the States after, I have a whole new outlook on traveling and experiencing all there is to see in a world that is so unfamiliar to me. However, I am frequently reminded of how it feels to be in a country where you know only a few people. My conversation partner, Christina, from Beijing, has to rely on other people to take her to the store or to get food since Starkville is a place where walking around the town is basically impossible since it is so spread out. I am reminded of the kindness that was shown to us while we stayed in Taiwan and will be forever grateful for the people who spent so much time with us to keep us company and show us the best places to see.
On another completely unrelated note, on Valentine's Day this year I will be participating in Mississippi State Speed Dating. Yes, speed dating. Let's get real for a second, since I don't have any other plans, or a boyfriend, I thought that this might be an experience that would be interesting to experience at least once in my life. Several friends are doing it with me so it should be a good time... or well, entertaining to say the least. I know you are all very jealous of my V-Day plans so I'm sure there will be stories to come soon.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
C's Get Degrees... Right?

Today, I got paired with a conversation partner! Her English name is Christina. She is the cutest girl from Beijing, China who will only be here for 4 weeks. I am so excited to get to know her! We spent several hours together tonight along with her friend Peggy who is also from China. Maybe when I go to China this summer I will get to spend time with them! My life has been consumed by researching different places to visit in China and things to see while I'm over there!
Internship Update: All my information has been shipped to China and the process has officially started!! Hopefully within the next few weeks I will have an offer from a company to work for this summer!! The people at GlobaLinks have been so helpful and this process has been very quick and exciting. I recently re-found all my pictures I posted on Photobucket from Taiwan. You can click here to see them!! One last thing. God is so good to me. I have really great parents who love and support all of my unrealistic dreams and goals no matter how far fetched or changing they may be.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Status Update
Other than being slammed with school work ALREADY, everything is great! I am looking to graduate a year early, so fingers crossed, I will be graduating in May 2013! A year and a half away!!
In other news, I want to go skydiving for my birthday. I am thinking it will make a good spring break trip!! Stay posted!!
We will also start the birthday countdown.... 90 days til I'm 21!! Feels like an eternity, but I know it will fly by.